Tag Archives: arts


No Music, No Life

No Music, No Life





Miss Hitoe from SPEED – 3

(Hitoe)さん Interview Part 2

→Interview Part 1 インタビュー パート1へ


H2N:          ニューヨークには2000年にスピードを解散してから2年ほど住んでいたそうですが、その間、どんな人で出会い、何を目標に生活していたのか教えて下さい。

Hitoe:                  終わりは、始まり!と気持ちを切り替え、やりたいことをやろうと思いました。今までやりたくても出来なかったこと、憧れのNYで大好きなARTの勉強をしたり、語学、ダンス、歌の基礎を学び自分磨きをすることができました。ブラック・カルチャーが大好きだったので、勉学の合間にハーレムに行ったり、ライヴを観たり、踊りに行ったり、ブレイズをしに行ったり…….、普通の生活が送れたことがとても嬉しかったですね。今までの夢が実現したという感じです。その最初の2年は、私にとってはゼロからスタートでした。SPEEDというより、新垣仁絵Arakaki Hitoeというひとりの人間として生きたいという思いでいっぱいでした。自分の将来がどうなっていくのだろうと思い悩みました。きっと、自分探しをしてたのだと思います。

人生を変えるような大きな出会いがいくつもありました。ダンスもそのひとつでした。普通にクラスを取った事がない私には、一つ一つが新鮮で、多くを学びました。特別に個人レッスンを受けるのではなく、他のひとたちと同じように普通のクラスで踊りたいという夢が叶いました。私の好きな先生は、今でもバリバリのB-girl、Hip-Hop ダンサーでコリオグラファーとして活躍している Anita “ROKAFELLA”Garcia 。今は、歌手もしてるらしいです。確か夫婦で教えていて、旦那さんもヒップホップ・ダンサーでしたね。B-girlの友達が出来きて、熱く語り合ったり、生のヒップホップというものを肌で感じることができました。

Hitoe Arakaki


H2N:          その頃のヒップホップ・ダンス・シーンで印象深いことがあれば教えて下さい。

Hitoe:                  ヒップホップ・ダンスシーンで感じたのは、その時代の流行をうまく取り入れたりする面白さですね。当時、沖縄で学んでた頃はまだヒップホップが認知されず、その土壌がまだ整っていなかったと思います。ダンスもJAZZが主流でした。どうにかしてこのヒップホップ・スタイルを伝えたいと思いましたね。ダンスについては、私なんか、まだまだ知識は浅いのですが、とにかく経験することが一番、いいパフォーマンスにつながると思います。



H2N: 絵画も好きで本格的に勉強し、個展まで開いたことがあるそうですが、好きなアーティスト、ペンターは誰ですか。(ご自分のブログでブルックリン・ミュージアムのキース・ヘィリング展に行った時のことを書いていらっしゃいましたが……。)

Painted by Hitoe

Painted by Hitoe

Hitoe:                  絵は、学校も行かずに自己流でやってきました。特別に好きなペインターがいるという訳ではないですが、バスキアとか、キース・ヘィリングとか、ウォーホールなどの時代は好きですね。独特な色彩、表現、メッセージ性があるのも好きです。バスキアは、私とはまったく違う表現方法なので無い物ねだりで憧れます。基本的に描くより、色塗りが大好きというより、得意ですね。私自身、人物画が多いのですが、幼い頃から、絵を描いてると夢が実現したように嬉しい気持ちになることを知り、絵ではすぐに叶えられるんだ!って、そして人を喜ばす事ができるのが嬉しくて描きつづけています。また、もう一人の自分を表現できる方法なので、絵を描く事はパフォーマンスと違って、創作的な事、生み出してることなので好きですね。私の場合、絵を描く時は音楽が必要不可欠なんです。ぜったいブラック・ミュージックですね。音楽からインスパイヤされたりしますから。

H2N:          現在のスピードのグループ活動やソロ活動などについて教えて下さい。

Hitoe:                  SPEEDが再結成してから初のニュー・アルバム「4 colors」を昨年の11月14日に発売しまた。再結成後の全シングル、新曲も沢山入ってるのでぜひ聞いてほしいです。さらに今年、3月13日にミュージック・ビデオと秘蔵のオフショットを集めたPVこDVD(ブルーレイ)「SPEED – Sonic Groove Clips」をリリースしましたので是非この機会にチェックしてみて下さい。10代の SPEED のイメージがどうしても強いらしく、私が30代だと知って驚く方がとても多いんです(笑)。ありがたいですが!今後は、ソロ活動にフォーカスできる時間が持てるので、色々と学びながら幅をさらに広げていきたいですね。






H2N:         どうもありがとうございました。そして、ご結婚おめでとうございます。

SPEED Sonic Groove Clips 2013.03.13 on sale に関する情報はこちら。



→Interview Part 1 インタビュー パート1へ

Miss Hitoe of SPEED – Exclusive Interview Part 2!

Hitoe 2012

Hitoe 2012


Nippon Hip Hop Nation – 3 Miss Hitoe from SPEED

Four-member group SPEED’s HITOE (Arakaki Hitoe) announced on her blog, “On April 8th, I registered my marriage with a person I met in New York, and dated for 13 years!”

Exclusive Interview!
Miss Hitoe from SPEED – Interview Part 2

Go to Interview part 1
Go to Hitoe’s profile

Moving To New York

After SPEED disbanded, Miss Hitoe moved to New York in the year of 2000 to find herself.

H2N:  When you decided to move to New York, what did you expect, and what goals did you set for your new life?

Hitoe:  I was telling myself, “The end is a new beginning. Let’s do the things I always wanted to do.” I started to take a series of classes like art, English, dance, and singing. Basically I just wanted to become a better “Me.”

I was really into Black culture so I went to Harlem. I enjoyed live concerts, dancing at clubs, getting my braids done uptown……..lived a normal life. That was my dream, living like an average person. I started from zero when I got to New York and I stayed there for two years. At that time, I was not a member of the idol group SPEED. I was Hitoe Arakaki, an average girl. I was wondering what would happen to me and what should I do. I was struggling trying to find who I was.

I had a few life changing experiences. The dance is one of them. I never took a regular dance class and I took one just like everybody else. That was my dream come true as I was so used to taking personal lessons before I came to New York. My favorite teacher was a B-girl and hip-hop dancer/choreographer named Anita “Rokafella” Garcia. She sings too. I believe her husband was also a hip-hop dancer and a teacher. To me, it was so precious to have a B-girl friend that I could talk to. That was a first hand real hip-hop experience for me. I had to go through some hardships and I had fun too. I was young and everything that happened to me that time was all meant to be. New York was good to me. I was positive that the choice I made was the right one for me.



H2N:  What was your most memorable experience about the hip-hop dance scene back then?

Hitoe:  Back then, the interesting thing about hip-hop dance was that it reflected the trend that was new and hot that time. Hip-hop was not recognized in Okinawa back then and wasn’t even ready to be embraced anytime soon. At the time when you said dance that meant JAZZ dance. I fell in love with hip-hop dance when I first saw it and wanted to introduce this new style of dance to the people in Japan.  I didn’t know much about dancing theory or technique per se but I loved dancing so much that I just wanted to try to create my own style.

My favorite quote is, “Hip-hop is the way of life. That’s what’s my life is all about,” by a hip-hop dancer named Marquest. When I made my debut in a mainstream pop music scene without much experience then, the lack of experience started haunting me for a while. Then I became interested in black music and hip-hop culture and eventually I incorporated these elements into my performance. To me that was a big accopmplishment which I’m proud of.

If you look at the dance craze in Japan today, you will be really amazed by the level of kids’ dance performance ability. Hip-hop is taking over! That makes me very happy. I will definitely keep loving hip-hop and dancing ’til the day I die! History repeats by itself. Learning old-school/classic hip-hop dance styles can be your foundation or the roots. You can’t have the present without the past.

H2N:  You are also a self-taught painter and had an exhibition in the past. Who are your favorite painters? (You mentioned in your blog that you loved American Modern Art and you went to see a Keith Haring Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum.)

Hitoe:  I have no formal training in art. I do not like any particular painters but I like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring, and Andy Warhol and people in that time. I love the way they expressed the color they used and messages they were trying to send across. Basquiat’s approach is totally different from mine, almost opposite, so that makes me so intrigued by his style. I love color. I do portraits, and painting is like a dream come true. Everytime I completed a painting I felt like I was rewarded a great prize. Your expression could make people happy and that is the power! Unlike performing, the creative process of painting is something totally new and separate from your own self. I think music and art are unseparable. I need to get inspired so I listen to music when I paint. Music, I mean Black Music.

Hitoe Arakaki

H2N:  What’s going on with you now?

Hitoe:  We released our first SPEED Re-Union album, “4 Colors” on November 14 last year, and now we are going to launch a special music video DVD, “SPEED Sonic Groove Clips,” featuring unreleased footage. It’s available on Blu-ray. It’s funny that fans know us from our teenage days so they get shocked to learn that I’m already in my 30’s. Thanks to my young looking self. I’m looking forward to expanding my creative force now that I have more time to focus on my solo projects.

Yoga is another means to search for my inner soul. I teach yoga as well. I also want to teach how to dance and hand it down to the next generation. I want to grow as a woman and be happy. Having experiences can be one of the most enduring components of well-being.

As I grow older, I am more open to new challenges such as having an exhibition in Harlem, home of the Harlem Reinessance, and publishing a book. I just keep moving because I strongly believe that anything is possible if you put your mind to it!!

One of my dreams since SPEED days came true last year when Chili and T-Boz of TLC came to Japan for a concert. I don’t know if it was because I was there in the first row, or it was because I wore my hair in blaids, but I was summoned to the stage by them and had a chance to dance with them. I was so overwhelmed that my knees started shaking but I guess I made it. That was the greatest moment of my life!

I’m in love with New York, the city I love most. It’s like my sweetheart. I enjoy the rhythm and the beat. I get inspired whenever I come to New York ‘cause the city has a really positive vibe. It’s the melting pot as they say. Makes me realize you can do anything you want as long as you know what you are doing. I cherish all the people I met in this city and learned more about myself and became a better me.

(Hitoe Arakaki)

H2N:  Thank you!

Go to Interview part 1
Go to Hitoe’s profile

DJ June Club Chart – October 22, 2012

DJ June Club Chart – October 15, 2012

1. Pound The Alarm – Nicki Minaj


Nicki`s follow up song to “Starships.” It became bigger than her very similar lead single, “Starships” but very catchy Eurodance hit.

2.Good Time – Owl City f/Carly Rae Jepson

とってもポップでハッピーな曲。特に女の子が大好きでみんな歌いながら踊ってます。私的には、オリジナルはとっても良い曲だけどちょっとクラブにはポップすぎ…..。尊敬するDJ/プロデューサーグループでよく一緒にDJをする機会が多いJump Smokersのリミックスをかけてます。オリジナルのボーカルにZeddのSpectrumのインストが上手くミックスされていて、いい感じのクラブ向けです。

An uplifting, out and out pop duet.Girls love this song but is too pop for clubs to my opinion. I play my fellow DJ friend , Jump Smokers’ remix version.

3. Fall Into The Sky – Zedd Lucky Date & Ellie Goulding

Zeddアルバム Clarityからのニューシングル、Ellie Gouldingの奇麗なボーカルのすぐ後から盛り上がってきてかっこいい!これからきっとヒットする曲。

A new single from Zedd’s much-anticipated Clarity album. Alongside fellow DJ/producer Lucky Date, the two crafted infectious instrumentation for the queen of the electronic vocals, Ellie Goulding, to showcase over.

DJ June This Week’s Events

October 23 (Tue)                 @Sutra Lounge Toca Tues with Tony Touch-Guest DJ                                                            Pete Rock
October 25 (Thu)                 @Bob (235 Eldridge street) 10pm-
October 26 (Fri)                  @Providence AC in the Tropicana Hotel 11pm-
October 27 (Sat)                  @Providence AC in the Tropicana Hotel 10pm-

伝説のクルー、エリート・フォースのブッダ・ストレッチ来日!Buddha Stretch – The Art of Hip Hop Workshop Japan Tour 2012



Buddha Stretch – The Art of Hip Hop Workshop Japan Tour 2012

Buddha Stretch WS Tour 201


S.S. Project – Dance Academy

Studio Real宮崎県都城市年見町8-7
0986-36-5341 (16時~22時)

Spiral Dance Studio

Dance Battle Judge


Gantz Dance School
070-5417-0830 (12時~21時)

Style Flavor Dance School

Wing 1 Dance School
福岡市中央区薬院4-18-35 浄水プレイス2F


Dance Studio Moga
松山市湊町3丁目    松山市湊町3丁目6-1


Studio Alpha



Studio Ash


Studio Myster





